Employee reviewing documentation on handheld device

Commitment to regulatory compliance

ExxonMobil Pipeline Company follows strict regulatory compliance regulations and standards to improve the safety of our pipelines and terminals.

Our regulatory procedures and enforcement guidance are broad in scope and are assessed with stringent monitoring methods. We operate under many federal and state governing standards, including but not limited to the following: Notifications, Reporting, Design, Construction, Operations and Maintenance, Operator Qualification, Integrity Management, Public Awareness, and Corrosion Control. ExxonMobil Pipeline Company strives for excellence in all our processes, and we are committed to compliance with established legal and ethical standards.


Measurement standards

Over the years, ExxonMobil Pipeline Company has emerged as one of the industry's leaders in custody transfer measurement.

ExxonMobil Pipeline Company's policy is to provide transportation services to its shippers that are efficient, fair and impartial. Measurement of oil and other commodities as they are received into or delivered from ExxonMobil Pipeline Company's system is a critical operation in carrying out this policy.

Policies are based on the practices and standards from the American Petroleum Institute's Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards. To ensure compliance with these standards, ExxonMobil Pipeline Company personnel actively participate in American Petroleum Institute measurement committees and are involved in the development of new measurement standards that incorporate the latest technology.